
Showing posts from August, 2023

Celebrating the Joyful Bond on International Dog Day: A Tribute to Our Cute Dogs

Dogs have been our faithful companions for thousands of years, offering unconditional love, loyalty, and boundless joy. National Dog Day is a special occasion that allows us to recognize and celebrate these incredible animals that bring so much happiness into our lives. On this day, we honor not just the companionship they provide, but also the profound impact they have on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The Unbreakable Bond: The relationship between humans and dogs is a unique bond that stands as a testament to the power of connection. Dogs have an innate ability to understand our emotions, offering comfort in times of sadness and sharing in our moments of joy. Their intuitive nature and unwavering presence make them not just pets, but beloved family members. A Lesson in Loyalty: One of the most remarkable qualities of dogs is their unwavering loyalty. Regardless of the circumstances, a dog's loyalty remains steadfast. This trait serves as a poignant reminder of th

Hope & Option in Love

H ope in love refers to the positive and optimistic outlook that someone has when they're emotionally invested in a relationship. When you have hope in love, you believe that the relationship will grow, flourish, and bring happiness. This hope can be fueled by emotional connection, shared experiences, and a genuine belief in the potential for a lasting and fulfilling partnership. People with hope in love are willing to invest time, effort, and emotional energy into nurturing the relationship, even during challenging times. Hope can be a driving force that encourages people to work through difficulties and maintain their commitment to the relationship. O ption  refers to selfishness and double minded personality. When someone views love as an option, they may evaluate the relationship in terms of profitability. This perspective might be more detached and less emotionally driven. People who see love as an option might be more inclined to weigh the pros and cons of the relationship a

Burqa - My POV

 The entire movie unfolds over the course of a single day, focusing on an ongoing conversation between a widowed woman (during her iddah period) and a Hindu man who was injured in a protest. The screenplay delicately navigates the intricate dynamics of a complex surgical procedure, much like a skilled surgeon. It maintains a strong emphasis on decency and dignity, ensuring that no religious or cultural group is belittled or offended. The film beautifully incorporates traditional religious activities into the narrative, providing a respectful portrayal of both the Islamic practice of iddah (the mandatory waiting period for a Muslim woman after the death of her husband or after a divorce) and the Hindu perspective.

Why Facebook is blue?

Can you recollect the color scheme of your preferred social media platform, Facebook? It's predominantly blue. However, this choice isn't solely due to blue's calming effect on the eyes. The rationale behind Facebook's blue color scheme stems from its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, who happens to have red-green color blindness. Consequently, the color that he perceives most distinctly is blue. In Mark Zuckerberg's own words: “Blue is the richest color for me; I can see all of blue.” Why is blue a favourite among brand logos? Blue is a frequently observed color scheme in brand logos, as evidenced by the logos of prominent companies like Twitter, HP, Ford, Samsung, Philips, Panasonic, Amazon, Adidas, Nokia, Intel, IBM, and Skype. This prevalence of blue might appear to be more than mere happenstance. In fact, there are various factors, spanning from scientific to psychological and behavioral realms, that contribute to blue being a favored choice. From a psychological angle

Children Painful Sunday Life - Warning To Parents

The Burden of Sunday Extra Classes: A Painful Experience for Children Education is a crucial aspect of a child's growth and development, but the pursuit of academic excellence should not come at the cost of a child's well-being and happiness. The increasing trend of enrolling children in extra classes on Sundays, commonly known as "Sunday extra classes," has sparked debates concerning their impact on the physical, mental, and emotional health of children. While the intention behind these classes might be noble, it's important to recognize the potential pain and stress they can inflict on young minds. The Strain on Leisure Time Sundays have traditionally been regarded as a day for relaxation, family bonding, and recreation. It is a time when children can engage in activities they enjoy, such as playing outdoors, pursuing hobbies, spending quality time with family, or simply taking a break from their regular routines. Enrolling children in extra classes on Sundays d

"Discovering Humanity: Within Humans or Among Dogs?"

It's important to approach comparisons between dogs and humans with a balanced perspective, as each has its own unique strengths and qualities. While it's not accurate to say that dogs are universally "better" than humans, they do possess certain qualities that many people admire and appreciate: Unconditional Love and Loyalty: Dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty and unconditional love for their human companions. They don't judge, hold grudges, or harbor negative emotions, making their companionship a source of comfort and emotional support. Living in the Present: Dogs have a remarkable ability to live in the moment. They don't dwell on the past or worry about the future, which can serve as a reminder for humans to focus on the present and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Non-Verbal Communication: Dogs are masters of non-verbal communication. They can understand and respond to human emotions and cues, making them excellent companions for individua