
Showing posts from July, 2023

Middle Class Parents Vs Next Generation

The middle-class individuals face unique challenges as they strive to improve their lifestyles. They are constantly seeking ways to achieve better living standards. If they are unable to achieve their desired progress, they often encourage the next generation to pursue their dreams and aspirations. This dynamic leads to both successes and failures along the way. It's important not to pass judgment, but it's evident that many middle-class individuals are striving to improve their lifestyle and move beyond their current circumstances. I have a short story to share with you.  A middle-class husband and wife have been blessed with a baby boy who is now 5 years old and attending school. With the aspiration of improving their family's standard of living, they have embarked on a journey to uplift their son's future. They have begun nurturing and enriching his life through various activity classes and other educational opportunities. The young child is now attending 1st Standar

Bench - The Untold Story

A bench is an inanimate object that cannot speak or express feelings. It lacks jealousy, ego, and the cruel mindset that humans sometimes possess. However, metaphorically speaking, a bench can be said to have a heart because it symbolizes a sense of care and warmth for anyone who sits on it. It offers love and a sense of connection to everyone who chooses to occupy it.  Do you wonder what goes through a bench's "mind" when people sit on it? Mother And Child In the context of childhood, it is a common and familiar sight to see a mother and child sitting on a bench together, spending quality time. During these moments, the mother lovingly feeds the child, engages in playful activities, and imparts valuable teachings and life lessons.   Bench Voice:  No one is there to pamper me. I am alone and always alone  Gang of Friends When there's a group of friends, the fun multiplies, especially during the summer holidays. During those carefree days, we would pretend to be Master