All About Trip Cum Vinod Marriage Reception

Date: 11th June 2023

It is indeed true that unexpected trips can often result in creating wonderful memories.
We had initially planned to attend Vinod's reception, but along the way, we made an impromptu decision to visit three additional places. Our itinerary included exploring Ramadevarabetta vulture sanctuary, Janapada loka, and Kanva Dam.

We experienced numerous enjoyable and miraculous incidents during our trip, making it an exceptionally memorable and delightful experience. 

Before I delve into sharing our trip experience, allow me to introduce the remarkable and unique individuals who accompanied us on this extraordinary journey.

  • Apsana @Appu
  • Dasthagiri @ Playboy
  • Gowri Shankar 
  • Hema @ Tomato
  • Sindhu @ Crazy Lady Michael Jackson
  • UmaDevi @ Loud Speaker
  • Vyshali @ Vyshuu

After making all the necessary arrangements, we embarked on our journey by car and two-wheeler. And then, something truly remarkable unfolded—the eighth wonder of the world. Sindhu, accompanied by Uma, unexpectedly began performing a sacred ritual known as "pooja" for the car. It was an astonishing incident that took us all by surprise. This once-in-a-lifetime act performed by Sindhu brought a blessed aura to my car.

Visit to Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary
We express our gratitude to both the central and state governments for providing excellent road infrastructure, allowing us to drive at a speed of approximately 130 kilometers per hour. Amidst our journey, Sindhu entertained us with her unique singing voice, accompanied by the car audio system. It was a delightful and somewhat eccentric experience. Meanwhile, Appu was peacefully sleeping, and Hema carried a bag full of medicines to alleviate her toothache.

In this situation, we unintentionally passed by the Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary and reached Channapatna. However, we received a call from Dastu and Vyshuu, who had already reached our intended location on their two-wheeler. Regrettably, we had to turn back, resulting in an additional 45 times wasted travel.

Finally, we arrived at our destination.

No matter what happened, our primary concern was satisfying our hunger. Unfortunately, Hema, who was preoccupied with her morning makeup routine, forgot to bring plates. However, thanks to Mother Nature, we found large leaves that served as makeshift plates. We forgave Hema for her oversight, and we began enjoying our breakfast on these natural plates.

Despite Sindu's occasional eccentric behavior, she surprised us with her culinary skills by preparing delicious puliyogare (tamarind rice). Vyshuu's mother contributed to the meal by preparing a flavorful vegetable pulav. We appreciated the effort and taste of both dishes.
After satisfying our hunger, we embarked on our mountain climbing expedition. However, the biggest challenge we faced was Hema. We were unsure whether she would be able to climb the mountain as she had a tendency to be mentally determined but physically not so adept.

Nevertheless, we hoped for some divine intervention to assist Hema in overcoming this challenge. As we proceeded, there were moments of lightheartedness when we decided to capture our journey through Instagram reels. Despite our enthusiasm, we encountered multiple failed attempts, resulting in more than 10 unsuccessful reels.

"Sindhu, immersed in the beauty of nature, delighted in playing music on her mobile device. It was evident that she had a special connection with the divine, as if she were a chosen child of the gods."

Vyshuu, regardless of the circumstances, always seemed engrossed in phone calls.

Hema, went above and beyond by assisting a lady in climbing the mountain. It was a pleasant surprise to witness her act of kindness, reaffirming our belief in the presence of a higher power guiding us.

Dastu, completely immersed in the beauty of nature and captivated by the presence of lovely girls, seemed to be lost in his own world. Dastu, enjoy and embrace these moments to the fullest.

Umadevi, exhibited remarkable determination and perseverance as she climbed the mountain solely through her own efforts.

Appu, copy of Sindhu

Yes, we eventually reached the mountain top and captured some beautiful photographs to preserve the memories of our journey.

Bye Bye to Ramadevarabetta vulture sanctuary.

Visit to Janapada loka
After our successful climb with Hema, we continued our journey towards Janapada Loka. Along the way, Dastu and Vyshuu stumbled upon a roadside sugarcane juice shop, which provided a refreshing break during our travel.

Upon reaching Janapada Loka, we paid an entry fee of 100 rupees per person. The place proved to be a captivating spot where we could spend around 1 to 2 hours. 

The tribal villages recreated within Janapada Loka were incredibly well-crafted, offering a realistic experience. We had a wonderful time exploring the village, taking photographs, and attempting to create reels. 

Although Sindu and Hema's reel attempts didn't yield the desired results, we still had a great time.

Dastu Master Piece Photo

After thoroughly enjoying our time at Janapada Loka, we proceeded towards Kanva Dam, which was located nearby.

Visit to Kanva Dam
Filled with excitement, we arrived at the dam, eager to indulge in water play and swimming. However, to our dismay, the dam was closed, shattering our hopes and causing great disappointment among us.

Nevertheless, amidst the disappointment, we discovered a silver lining. We stumbled upon a wonderful spot to have lunch, which was lovingly prepared by Vyshuu's mother. It reminded us that the true essence of cooking lies not just in the process but in the love and care infused into the food. As we savored the homemade meal, we felt like we were in heaven, appreciating the flavors that resonated with warmth and affection. 

We took the opportunity to capture some photographs and enjoyed the scenic surroundings. 

However, nature gave us a gentle reminder to wrap up our time there with rain starting to fall.

Vinod Marriage Reception
After the rain shower, we proceeded to the reception venue. A 20-minute journey brought us to the lodge, which had been pre-booked by Vinod for our stay.

One of the biggest disappointments we encountered was the cleanliness issue at the lodge we had booked. However, determined to make the best of the situation, Dastagiri and I decided to visit Vinod at the marriage hall.

To our surprise, Vinod appeared just as he did in the office, without a smile on his face. Nonetheless, the engagement ceremony proceeded as planned.

Following the engagement, we went to purchase a cake to celebrate the upcoming marriage.

In a comical turn of events, Hema and her team took the opportunity to apply makeup on Vinod, leaving me wondering if Hema had a part-time job as a makeup artist. We engaged in various amusing activities before the reception commenced, including a cake-cutting ceremony on the stage, which brought joy and captured memorable moments through photographs.

Return to Home
Sindhu and Hema, two lively individuals, displayed an exuberant energy throughout the travel duration, akin to agile monkeys, bouncing around in the car while enjoying loud music. 

Happy Ending

Google Map Link
Ramadevarabetta vulture sanctuary -


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