
Showing posts from June, 2023

Motherhood - Precious Gift

On June 24th, 2023, I was traveling from my hometown to Bangalore, where I had planned to visit a church on June 25th with my friend Shilpa and her husband. Upon reaching SilkBoard at 10:00 pm, I realized that it would take another 45 minutes to an hour to reach my PG in Kengeri. Exhausted from the journey, I didn't feel prepared to ride for another 45 minutes amidst the heavy traffic. So, I called Shilpa and informed her that I would be staying with them instead. Within a few minutes, I arrived at their home. We all sat down for dinner together. Meanwhile, their baby was happily dancing and shouting in the living room. We enjoyed watching some funny videos and the TV show "Cook with Comali." It was a pleasant time spent with Shilpa's family after a long period apart. Eventually, we all retired for the night around 1:30 am. Short Intro About Shilpa and Velu Shilpa, my colleague at Hyundai (Advaith Motors), is a true embodiment of resilience and strength. Despite her r

All About Trip Cum Vinod Marriage Reception

Date: 11th June 2023 It is indeed true that unexpected trips can often result in creating wonderful memories.      We had initially planned to attend Vinod's reception, but along the way, we made an impromptu decision to visit three additional places. Our itinerary included exploring Ramadevarabetta vulture sanctuary, Janapada loka, and Kanva Dam. We experienced numerous enjoyable and miraculous incidents during our trip, making it an exceptionally memorable and delightful experience.  Before I delve into sharing our trip experience, allow me to introduce the remarkable and unique individuals who accompanied us on this extraordinary journey. Starring Apsana @Appu Dasthagiri @ Playboy Gowri Shankar  Hema @ Tomato Sindhu @ Crazy Lady M ichael Jackson UmaDevi @ Loud Speaker Vyshali @ Vyshuu After making all the necessary arrangements, we embarked on our journey by car and two-wheeler. And then, something truly remarkable unfolded— the eighth wonder of the world. Sindhu, accompanied