
Showing posts from April, 2020

Shocking Culture in Indonesia-When Death Doesn’t Mean Goodbye

18+ Adult content. Indonesian villagers dig up their ancestors every three years and dress them in new clothes in ancient ritual to show 'love and respect' Photos show the Ma'nene Festival in Indonesia where bodies of dead relatives are dug up and dressed up The ritual has been going for more than a century and is celebrated by the Torajan people in Indonesia Relatives parade decomposing bodies dressed in new clothes and pose for photos with the corpses The festival's name means 'The Ceremony of Cleaning Corpses' and it takes place every three years The Torajan people of Indonesia proudly display their dead relatives after digging them up and dressing them in new clothes in an ancient ritual that is meant to show respect for their late loved ones. Every three years, the tribe from Sulawesi island exhume their dead, who they wash and dress in fresh clothes and then pose for family photographs in a festival known as Ma'nene. The ritual,


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